There are three grades of membership in our Society:
- Member
- Associate Member
- Life Member
Membership is open to any person of good standing who has been engaged full time in lift engineering for a minimum of five consecutive years or whose part time duties relate to lift engineering and has been engaged in that capacity for a minimum of seven consecutive years. During this time the person should have been regularly engaged in or responsible for either the selection, specification, design, engineering, inspection or supervision of installation or maintenance of lifts, escalators, moving walkways or other like equipment.
Members receive a Certificate of Membership and are entitled to use the letters M.L.E.S. (Aust).
Membership is open to any person who has a responsible position in an organisation directly or indirectly associated with Lift Engineering or any person of standing in the community who desires to co-operate with the Society in their aims and objectives.
Membership is bestowed on a member by the Executive, resolved by a ballot and requires a two-thirds majority.
Member & Associate Fees are to be advised upon submission of application
Membership Application